
Prosthetics – what is it?

Prosthetic treatment has many aspects today. Above all, it concerns patients who for various reasons have lost their own teeth and need to fill the gaps, which is important not only as a facilitation of speaking or eating, but also prevents the pathological movement of remaining teeth and longer their lifetime. Prosthesis are also the basic method of treatment for patients suffering from genetic diseases and defects, when the teeth do not erode or their buds are not formed at all.

Dental prosthetics has been changed by the implantology that allows to supplement the missing teeth and to stabilize the total prostheses based on implants. Nowadays more and more often, prosthodontics specialists become specialists in aesthetic dentistry, digitally designing the perfect smile of the patient, and then, using veneers, reproducing it in reality.

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Zdecydowanie polecam. Spotkałem się z profesjonalnym, ale i bardzo życzliwym podejściem personelu, a w szczególności dr n. med. Marka Nahajowskiego, do którego z pewnością jeszcze wrócę :)
Stomatologia na najwyższym poziomie. Na początku zabiegu było mi tak błogo że bałem się nawet że zasnę 😆 Potrafią odbudować nieistniejącego w zasadzie zęba. Jako technik jestem pełen podziwu. Jestem już umówiony na kolejną wizytę i będę wracał :-)
Pola Przybyła
Pola Przybyła
Z mojego doświadczenia, ta klinika stomatologiczna zasługuje na uznanie jako jedna z najlepszych w branży. Ostatnio miałam okazję korzystać z usług chirurga Pana doktora Grzegorza Grodoń w celu usunięcia ósemek. Cały proces przebiegł wyjątkowo sprawnie – było szybko, efektywnie, bez bólu i bez jakichkolwiek komplikacji. Szczególnie doceniam profesjonalizm lekarza, który szczegółowo i jasno przekazał wszystkie niezbędne informacje dotyczące postępowania po zabiegu oraz potencjalnych środków ostrożności. Moje słowa uznania również dla Pani doktor Aleksandry Krawczyńskiej-Piwowar wiedza Pani doktor jest naprawdę imponująca, a podejście do pacjenta spełnia najwyższe standardy - dokładne wyjaśnienie wszelkich wątpliwości, odpowiedzi na pytania udzielone w zrozumiały sposób, ogromna cierpliwość i serdeczność. Ponadto, pragnę podkreślić wyjątkową estetykę samej kliniki oraz wyjątkowo przyjazne i pomocne podejście personelu. Zdecydowanie polecam tę placówkę każdemu, kto szuka wysokiej jakości opieki stomatologicznej. Polecam i będę polecać każdemu odwiedzić to miejsce! Serdecznie dziękuję, będę wracać do Dental Perfect 💚 Ps. Panie z rejestracji - Pani Natalia i Pani Angelika dawno nie spotkałam tak przesympatycznych i pomocnych pań. Ich ciepło i uśmiech na samym wejściu sprawia, że chce się zostać tutaj na dłużej! Brawo dla szefa za taką ekipę! 😊
Joasia Carla
Joasia Carla
Gdyby wszyscy lekarze mieli takie wyjątkowe podejście do pacjentów jak lekarze w Klinice Dental Perfect... Kompentencje, kontakt, zrozumienie, serdeczność, widoczna chęć pomocy na rzadko spotykanym poziomie. Polecam:) Joanna P
Adam G.
Adam G.
Jak dla mnie to pelna profeska zarówno jak i leczenie ubytkow u dr Macieja Obary czy tez leczenie kanalowe u dr Artura Barana. Mialem 5 wizyt w ostatnich 2 miesiacach. Foto uzebienia, omowienie, zaplanowanie i wykonanie w 100% profesjonalnie. Z Dental Perfect skorzystam ponownie z pewnoscia. Polecam.
Grazyna Januś
Grazyna Januś
Polecam ten Gabinet. Lekarze profesjonaliści. Ząbki piękne. Korzystam z usług już kilka lat. Jak się coś dzieje , dzwonię i jadę. Bardzo dziękuję za bezbolesną usługę.
Bardzo dobre wrażenie wywarła na mnie ta klinika. Przede wszystkim doktor Baran, który podchodzi wachowo do pacjenta. Polecam!

Prosthetics – indications and contraindications

  • Indications

  • Contraindications

All patients with single and multiple tooth defects are eligible for prosthetic treatment. It depends on the joint decision of the doctor and the patient what kind of supplementation will be performed. However, prosthetics is not limited to replacing lost teeth with artificial teeth.

The prosthetist physician as a specialist in the mutual relations of the dental arches and their contacts both at rest and during the movements, is able to diagnose and treat diseases associated with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders. This includes all muscle pains and even headaches associated with incorrect connection or teeth grinding, dysfunctions in the temporomandibular joints (crackling, jumping), excessive teeth abrasion or mutual damage to the teeth. We are able to help any patient with such ailments.

For the most demanding patients, prosthetics becomes a part of aesthetics dentistry. Various deformations of the shape of the teeth, discoloration, or the lack of symmetry, as well as the subjective feeling of the patient about the need to improve their own smile are for our specialists the opportunity to demonstrate the talent of the artist. With the veneers, our patients start smiling from ear to ear again!

Most prosthetic restorations are based on the patient’s own teeth or bone (rebuilding on implants), therefore they are contraindicated in children, so as not to disturb the growth of the jaw or mandible. Fortunately, children usually do not need prosthetic treatment, except for small patients suffering from serious genetic disorders associated with rapid loss or congenital lack of teeth. Contraindications for adults include epilepsy, allergies to materials used to make prosthesis, as well as caries, periodontal and oral mucosa disease. Of course, these last contraindications are only temporary, and disappear after conservative treatment (see: conservative dentistry) or periodontological treatment (see: periodontology), which we also provide in our clinic.

Prosthetics – types of treatments

The offer of procedures offered by modern dental prosthetics is very wide and adapted to the individual needs of the patient. There is the traditional treatment of missing teeth by means of permanent and removable restorations, as well as the improvement of aesthetics with veneers or prosthetic crowns. In our office, we perform all types of prosthetic restorations of the highest quality – restoration on individual inserts, crowns and metal bridges covered with porcelain or all-ceramic ones, which are the most aesthetic, complete and skeletal prosthesis. We also design and make restorations based on implants, both crowns and bridges, as well as partial and total dentures.

We have a Cerec system, thanks to which we can complete the project in a short time. The great convenience for the patient and the implantologist (see: implantology) is the fact that we have our own prosthetic laboratory, which allows a holistic approach to each patient. This allows us planning the ideal prosthetic work in the cooperation of implantologists and dental prosthetists specialists.

An extremely important part of the work in the prosthetic office is designing the smiles of our patients. Based on the analysis of photographic documentation, carried out in accordance with the Digital Smile Design protocol, we plan aesthetic reconstruction of teeth to obtain a Hollywood smile for everyone. Our specialists make ceramic and composite veneers using the best materials available on the market to meet the requirements of even the most demanding patients.

Prosthodontics – the course of the procedure

Before starting prosthetic treatment, it is necessary to have a detailed physical examination in order to get a full picture of the patient’s problems (which are often complex, resulting from many years of neglect) and to plan comprehensive treatment. The doctor usually offers the patient several options, presents their advantages and disadvantages. It is patient who decides about the method which will be used. Then he receives a plan of subsequent visits.

Before starting work on the supplementation, especially when aesthetics is very important, the so-called mock – up, or a wax model is prepared, which allows assessment of the future reconstruction in the oral cavity. The number of visits depends on the type of supplementation. Between the visits, the dental technician performs next laboratory stages. Because of our own prosthetic laboratory, the doctor and technicians can efficiently cooperate during all stages of work. This guarantees the highest quality of service.

In the case of prosthetic reconstruction on implants, after the end of the surgical stage (implantation of implants) the patient immediately goes to the prosthetist physician, who previously worked with surgeons in the design of the implants, and now continues work according to the agreed plan.

Prosthetics – frequently asked questions (FAQ)


Porcelain crown on an alloy without nickel1300 PLN
All-ceramic crown CEREC system2000 PLN
Cabinet temporary crown150 PLN
Temporary laboratory crown500 PLN
Composite veneerStarting at 750PLN
All-ceramic veneer system CEREC2000 PLN
Onlay /inlay – composite1000 PLN
Onlay /inlay – full-ceramic CEREC system1500 PLN
Complete acrylic denture (upper or lower)1500 PLN
Flexible acron denture2000 PLN
Frame prosthesis (top or bottom)2500 PLN
Frame prosthesis with latches3500 PLN
Removing the old crown, cutting the bridge100 PLN
Cementing the crown/inlay150 PLN
Partial acrylic denture up to 3 teethStarting at 700 PLN
Partial acrylic denture up to 6 teeth700 PLN
Denture reliningStarting at 450 PLN
Denture repairStarting at 450 PLN
Supplementing several teeth in the denture300-600 PLN
Strengthening the prosthesis250 PLN
Provisional rail with missing teeth supplementation550 PLN
Prosthetic work at non-standard time+30% of the price
Fiberglass insert 1 channel450 PLN
Fiberglass insert 2 channel500 PLN
Individual metal insert550 PLN

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