Conservative dentistry

Conservative treatments – what is it?

The primary goal of the dentist is to keep the patient as many of theirs’ own teeth as possible. Treatment and restoration of teeth damaged by caries or other factors are procedures generally referred to as preventive treatments. Nowadays, the emphasis is placed on the minimally invasive development of destructively damaged tissues in order to preserve the best strength of a “repaired” tooth. It can be made thanks to advanced materials used to fill the defects, which bind permanently with the tooth because of physical phenomena and chemical reactions occurring at the place of their joining.

Na podstawie 372 opinii
Zdecydowanie polecam. Spotkałem się z profesjonalnym, ale i bardzo życzliwym podejściem personelu, a w szczególności dr n. med. Marka Nahajowskiego, do którego z pewnością jeszcze wrócę :)
Stomatologia na najwyższym poziomie. Na początku zabiegu było mi tak błogo że bałem się nawet że zasnę 😆 Potrafią odbudować nieistniejącego w zasadzie zęba. Jako technik jestem pełen podziwu. Jestem już umówiony na kolejną wizytę i będę wracał :-)
Pola Przybyła
Pola Przybyła
Z mojego doświadczenia, ta klinika stomatologiczna zasługuje na uznanie jako jedna z najlepszych w branży. Ostatnio miałam okazję korzystać z usług chirurga Pana doktora Grzegorza Grodoń w celu usunięcia ósemek. Cały proces przebiegł wyjątkowo sprawnie – było szybko, efektywnie, bez bólu i bez jakichkolwiek komplikacji. Szczególnie doceniam profesjonalizm lekarza, który szczegółowo i jasno przekazał wszystkie niezbędne informacje dotyczące postępowania po zabiegu oraz potencjalnych środków ostrożności. Moje słowa uznania również dla Pani doktor Aleksandry Krawczyńskiej-Piwowar wiedza Pani doktor jest naprawdę imponująca, a podejście do pacjenta spełnia najwyższe standardy - dokładne wyjaśnienie wszelkich wątpliwości, odpowiedzi na pytania udzielone w zrozumiały sposób, ogromna cierpliwość i serdeczność. Ponadto, pragnę podkreślić wyjątkową estetykę samej kliniki oraz wyjątkowo przyjazne i pomocne podejście personelu. Zdecydowanie polecam tę placówkę każdemu, kto szuka wysokiej jakości opieki stomatologicznej. Polecam i będę polecać każdemu odwiedzić to miejsce! Serdecznie dziękuję, będę wracać do Dental Perfect 💚 Ps. Panie z rejestracji - Pani Natalia i Pani Angelika dawno nie spotkałam tak przesympatycznych i pomocnych pań. Ich ciepło i uśmiech na samym wejściu sprawia, że chce się zostać tutaj na dłużej! Brawo dla szefa za taką ekipę! 😊
Joasia Carla
Joasia Carla
Gdyby wszyscy lekarze mieli takie wyjątkowe podejście do pacjentów jak lekarze w Klinice Dental Perfect... Kompentencje, kontakt, zrozumienie, serdeczność, widoczna chęć pomocy na rzadko spotykanym poziomie. Polecam:) Joanna P
Adam G.
Adam G.
Jak dla mnie to pelna profeska zarówno jak i leczenie ubytkow u dr Macieja Obary czy tez leczenie kanalowe u dr Artura Barana. Mialem 5 wizyt w ostatnich 2 miesiacach. Foto uzebienia, omowienie, zaplanowanie i wykonanie w 100% profesjonalnie. Z Dental Perfect skorzystam ponownie z pewnoscia. Polecam.
Grazyna Januś
Grazyna Januś
Polecam ten Gabinet. Lekarze profesjonaliści. Ząbki piękne. Korzystam z usług już kilka lat. Jak się coś dzieje , dzwonię i jadę. Bardzo dziękuję za bezbolesną usługę.
Bardzo dobre wrażenie wywarła na mnie ta klinika. Przede wszystkim doktor Baran, który podchodzi wachowo do pacjenta. Polecam!

Conservative treatments – indications and contraindications

  • Indications

  • Contraindications

We can treat this way almost all teeth with carious lesions, except for cases with the loss of a significant part of the tooth crown, where prosthetic treatment is more desirable. This way you can also cure cavities of non-caries origin, which are the result of clashing or breaking off fragments of hard tissues. Separate indications are teeth incorrectly shaped or discolored due to genetic diseases or food deficiencies. Preventive treatment is also used as a method of repair, when caries develops under the filling performed many years before or the inflammation process in the tooth canals resumes.

If the patient neglects regular visits to the dentist or ignores pain symptoms, it may happen that the teeth are too damaged to be treated conservatively, because the material will not have anything to hold on to. Extensive inflammatory changes in the bone surrounding the tooth or significant tooth dislocations are further contraindications to preventive methods. The final decision on the treatment method is always made by the dentist based on detailed diagnostics.

Conservative treatments – types of treatments

Caries is the most common disease that affects our teeth, caused by bacteria that secrete substances that dissolve hard tissues. This leads to the destruction of the crown, and sometimes even the root of the tooth. Treatment includes removing the infected part and then rebuilding it with materials that color, structure and strength mimic the natural tooth. Today we can find unusual diversity of materials used in conservative dentistry. In the anterior teeth, where high aesthetics are required, we use the technique of combining different shades to achieve a perfect look, while in the lateral teeth the most important are strength and resistance to forces acting, for example, during eating. The constant development of dental materials allows us to meet even the highest expectations of the patient.

Sometimes, caries causes infection of the tooth root. There are canals there, in them nerves and blood vessels, which is the cause of pain. In this case, endodontic treatment should be performed: removal of damaged tissue from the canals and filling them with substitute material (see: endodontics).

Teeth can be also damaged by other factors. They can get worn as a result of improper brushing or chipped due to excessive clamping or grinding. This results in cavities that also need to be cleaned and filled. Leaving them as they are not only weakens the entire structure, leading to even more damage, but also can be an additional place for the development of caries.

Conservative treatments – the course of the procedure

Each treatment in this field begins with local anesthesia, which provides comfort to the patient, eliminating pain during the entire procedure. The next stage is installation of a cofferdam, which enables the precise and predictable work of the doctor. It is a rubber insulating the treated tooth from the environment, thanks to which the procedure is complete aseptic. Isolation from saliva is very important because almost all materials used in conservative treatment require complete dryness during their insertion into the cavity. The cofferdam has many advantages also for the patient – it solves a problem of excess water in the mouth (used for cooling during development) and eliminates a risk of accidental falling of tools or materials into the mouth or throat.

Actually, after anesthesia and inserting the cofferdam, the patient can completely relax, because then the doctor painlessly and thoroughly cleanses the tooth, and rebuilds it with material imitating natural tissues. Finally, the doctor adjusts the filling for proper contact with other teeth, and the patient can evaluate the final result.

In the case of need for endodontic treatment, the procedure is also performed under anesthesia and with a cofferdam cover, including removal of bacterial infected tissues from the tooth canals with the use of machine tools, thorough rinsing with disinfectants and then tight filling (see: endodontics). Of course, the final element is the restoration of the tooth crown in the manner described above.

Conservative dentistry – frequently asked questions (FAQ)


Temporary dressingStarting at 100 PLN
Filling in a milk toothStarting at 200 PLN
Light-curing fillingStarting at 300 PLN
Removal of tartar, fluoridation, sealing400PLN
Fluoridation50 PLN
Tooth sealing250 PLN
Whitening of a dead toothStarting at 450 PLN
Overlay whitening 1 arch650 PLN
Whitening with the lamp on 1 visit1200 PLN
Relaxation rail 1 arch450 PLN

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